Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lent Day 6 *Faith*

Lent Day 6 *Faith*

This is an important part of my growth. Reflecting on my choices earlier and earlier so that rather than reflecting on an experience I wish could have gone differently, I reflect on how I want the experience to go. hmmmm

Today's thought for Lent is Faith. As life would have it, I had my Faith tested today, well actually last night. As I was reading today's reading on Faith a little rainbow highlighted part of the page. It was so beautiful it actually brought tears to my eyes. Once I read the passage, the rainbow faded, and then reappeared. So I read it again. Here it is:

"I realize that my faith in the invisible is building a real abiding substance in my mind and in my body. Spiritual ideas grow quickly when planted in the rich soil of my mind, and my body temple changes accordingly." -Charles Fillmore

This is real to me because I was presented with what I thought was an obstacle to my dream and passion last night. But in contemplating this obstacle I realized that if I truly have faith that God is my source and God will make the way for this passion to become true, then this is not an obstacle at all, but something that will bring me closer to my desire. The trick is to have faith. So I decided I would write Thank You e-cards to everyone who was helping me move forward (including those who I formerly thought were obstacles) and in doing this I feel better and better.

"The How is the Domain of the Universe" and I must remember that I cannot control this process, nor do I want to. I want the Universe to bring my desire to fruition the fastest and most beneficial way possible, which may be in a way that I cannot dream of. Faith is the key to allowing this process to continue.

I affirm " I have faith in the glorious infusion of the more abundant life of Christ vitalizing me. I am lifted up and healed." -Charles Fillmore

Bible Passage Hebrews 11:1-12

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