Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lent Day 4 *I AM*

Today's focus is I AM. I am reminded that when Jesus was asked who he was he said "I am that I AM". I AM to me represents the manifestation of all the divine qualities of God.
Divine wisdom, love, will, enthusiasm, faith, strength are all mine because of my Divine Inheritance. I AM is a affirmative reminder that I am all of these things n their highest form.
I AM a creator, with each thought I start the creative process of bringing all that I think about into manifestation.

I confidently affirm " I am a child of God, and I am a joint heir with Jesus to abiding life, wisdom, love, peace, substance, strength, and power." -Charles Fillmore

Today I spent some time reflecting n my language and the words that I use. I found that I often say things like, "I am so tired" or "I am sorry", or "I'm always late"... and I now choose to shift my languaging and my intentions to only state I AM in conjunction with divine qualities. As I catch myself in my ld thinking, I immediately forgive myself and say and affirmative I AM statement in its place.

Ahhh, it feels good already :)

Bible Verse for today... John 10:1-18

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