Saturday, February 17, 2007

Getting through the material

Well I am working on getting through the material in this program and one thing came to my attention. The Law of attraction states If your vibration is that you are doing a program in search of answers, then you will attract MORE "doing a program in search of answers."

This has been so true in my life this year. I have been searching for a program/class/mentorship that would help me find the answers I was looking for. And I have found one, actually lots of them. But I never moved rom wanting the program to wanting the things in my life that would make the program work.

I am now writing a list of things that I want, and more importantly the feelings that I want. I havn't started this process yet, but I plan to today. Iam hoping that this program will be the one in which I break free from my own limiting thoughts, and begin to use these universal laws for my good and the good of all.

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