Monday, February 26, 2007

*The Garden of Eden*

According to Charles Fillmore in Keep a True Lent, “Man’s body temple is the outer expression of the Garden of Eden, which God gave him to keep and to trim”. The Garden is a place within that, if kept up and trim will yield all the fruits of the Divine. There are twelve gates to this Garden, through which all things are possible.

The twelve faculties, or powers, give us access to the divine fruits of the garden. Through any one of these you can experience God, but where “two or three are gathered” that is where the true power lies. Those twelve gates to the Divine are power, will, order, faith, strength, zeal, imagination, love, wisdom, renunciation and understanding.

I often find in my life that I can get one of these down pretty good. Most people who know me know that I am a very enthusiastic person and that I strive to be happy and excited in all that I do, but on occasion I do not use the best judgment in the things I take on. So rather than dwelling on the interesting decisions of my past, I look forward. Every morning in mediation, I will see myself making the decisions of that day with reflection. I will acknowledge the 12 gates to the garden and I will make all decisions from my highest self, trusting that everyone will be prospered by my choices.

I affirm: “My body is the temple of God, cleansed, purified, undefiled, made perfect. Praise God!” –Charles Fillmore

Bible Reading: John 14:1-12

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