Thursday, March 1, 2007

Lent Day 8 *Wisdom*

Today we focus on Divine Wisdom. A few weeks ago I was able to participate in a Spiritual Discernment process. This specific process used 12 steps to help invite divine guidance in my life. The main question that I asked myself is "What is mine to do during my time here on this planet".

I went into the silence and asked this question and simply listened. Thoughts that came to me in the silence were "What is your passion?", "What brings you bliss?", “How can you use your gifts to live for passion and feel your bliss?".

I believe that we were all giving a sliver of the Divine Dream, and that if we enter into the silence, listen, and more importantly, take action on these ideas we can truly live the life of our dreams. In Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth, I read "Many of us are over-read and under-done". Wow, does that speak to me. Practice is the key, bringing practical use of these skills into my life. My bookshelves are filled with books and programs, because I have manifested them, now I need to act on these Divine Ideas.

I affirm: "Christ within me is my glory. The brightness of His presence wipes out all darkness, and I am filled with life and light" -Charles Fillmore

Bible reading: Matthew 7:1-12
Go to to read... its a good one

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