Friday, March 2, 2007

Lent Day 9 *Love*

Lent Day 9 *Love*
Love. Divine Love is the fuel for attraction in our lives. Last night I showed The Secret to a friend. He seemed amazed that I would drive all the way to town to show him The Secret. After we saw the movie, he knew why it was so important to me that he see it. Knowing the universal law of Love can open the flood gates of good in your life.

In the movie, one of the most important topics to me is the emotional guidance system. The fact that the very emotion you are feeling is bringing more of that emotion into your life. As soon as I feel any feeling other than Love, I know I am beginning to attract that which I do not want into my life. So I "switch". I think of something that brings me pure joy.

In Keep a True Lent Charles Fillmore writes, "I now firmly declare that [love] is expressing through me, and that no environment or external condition can hinder it. Any unloving condition of the world is no bar to my exercise of Love, in fact, it is an incentive." It is an incentive.
Each unloving experience that crosses my path is an incentive for me to show love. I really like that. I like the challenge of bringing love to every situation. It's like our highest self is saying "I double-dare you!" In my experiences today I will focus on bringing only love, only peace, and only enthusiasm. In that I will attract even more experiences to be loving, peaceful and enthusiastic. That is the life I want.

In quietness and confidence, I affirm: "God, in His Love, fills me with new life. In His name I am cleansed, strengthened and healed". - Charles Fillmore

Bible Reading: John 4:7-21 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)

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