Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lent Day 12 *Will*

Not my, but thy, will be done. Will is the faculty of mind that chooses action. Thy will be done. I want to act from God in all that I do.

I had a very bad experience. Yes I know I labeled it and judged it, but I cannot think of any other way to explain it. To make a long story short, my mom moved in with us last year and the intention was for her to help me with Max, and then When Todd got deployed help me with both babies. She has since become very bitter, angry and unbearable. (Note to self: No one should allow their parents to move in with them after the age of 25).

Anyway she was very supportive at first, but a few weeks ago after a very long road trip we got into an arguement, and she has not been able to recover.Today she decided to pull her money and support out of an investment that we were working on together. She didn't even have the nerve to tell me in person (mind you she lives in this house), she wrote me in an email.
So how does this apply to Will. Well after this happened I instantly went into prayer. How do I respond? How to I live from my divine nature? And what came to me in prayer, was "come back to peace". I knew I had to bring peace back into the life of myself and my children. So with divine Will I took action.

Based on how I feel, as my emotional guidance system, I believe I made the right choice. I feel good and happy and on track. I am here to do God's will. In the silence I can feel God's will as I listen and feel for God's presence. I am guided to divine action, and executing the will of Divine Mind.

I affirm: "The will of God is uppermost in my consciousness, and I am glorified in my understanding."
Bible Passage: John 1:1-18

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