Sunday, March 4, 2007

2nd Sunday of Lent *Imagination*

This thought, Imagination, has been taking the world by storm. If you haven't seen the movie "The Secret" yet, then you have probably heard about it, and if you haven't heard about it... well if you are reading this, then I guess you have :)

The Secret is about the Law of attraction and one of the easiest ways to "magnetize yourself" to attract the things you want in your life is to visualize, or imagine it. If you can see it in your mind you can accomplish it. The power of imagination is the power to see your self accomplishing your dreams and then through that imagining attracting that which will make those dreams come true.

Now imagination is not just a picture. It is the ability to truly feel the visualization. Not only seeing your dreams alive in your mind, but feeling the feelings of the experience as well. This is the key.

One of my favorite parts of the Secret is when James Ray says" Your present life is not a reflection of who you are, it is a reflection of who you were". It is so important to realize that the visions I hold in my mind are creating the "me" of tomorrow. Joel Olsteen said today "You need a new vision for your life".

I affirm: "In the quietness and confidence of Spirit, I see myself as God sees me, His perfect image and likeness" - Charles Fillmore

Bible Passage:
Acts 10:9-35

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