I am blogging at the following address, so please go there to see the continuation of my Lenten Blog
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Lent Day 12 *Will*
Not my, but thy, will be done. Will is the faculty of mind that chooses action. Thy will be done. I want to act from God in all that I do.
I had a very bad experience. Yes I know I labeled it and judged it, but I cannot think of any other way to explain it. To make a long story short, my mom moved in with us last year and the intention was for her to help me with Max, and then When Todd got deployed help me with both babies. She has since become very bitter, angry and unbearable. (Note to self: No one should allow their parents to move in with them after the age of 25).
Anyway she was very supportive at first, but a few weeks ago after a very long road trip we got into an arguement, and she has not been able to recover.Today she decided to pull her money and support out of an investment that we were working on together. She didn't even have the nerve to tell me in person (mind you she lives in this house), she wrote me in an email.
So how does this apply to Will. Well after this happened I instantly went into prayer. How do I respond? How to I live from my divine nature? And what came to me in prayer, was "come back to peace". I knew I had to bring peace back into the life of myself and my children. So with divine Will I took action.
Based on how I feel, as my emotional guidance system, I believe I made the right choice. I feel good and happy and on track. I am here to do God's will. In the silence I can feel God's will as I listen and feel for God's presence. I am guided to divine action, and executing the will of Divine Mind.
I affirm: "The will of God is uppermost in my consciousness, and I am glorified in my understanding."
Bible Passage: John 1:1-18
I had a very bad experience. Yes I know I labeled it and judged it, but I cannot think of any other way to explain it. To make a long story short, my mom moved in with us last year and the intention was for her to help me with Max, and then When Todd got deployed help me with both babies. She has since become very bitter, angry and unbearable. (Note to self: No one should allow their parents to move in with them after the age of 25).
Anyway she was very supportive at first, but a few weeks ago after a very long road trip we got into an arguement, and she has not been able to recover.Today she decided to pull her money and support out of an investment that we were working on together. She didn't even have the nerve to tell me in person (mind you she lives in this house), she wrote me in an email.
So how does this apply to Will. Well after this happened I instantly went into prayer. How do I respond? How to I live from my divine nature? And what came to me in prayer, was "come back to peace". I knew I had to bring peace back into the life of myself and my children. So with divine Will I took action.
Based on how I feel, as my emotional guidance system, I believe I made the right choice. I feel good and happy and on track. I am here to do God's will. In the silence I can feel God's will as I listen and feel for God's presence. I am guided to divine action, and executing the will of Divine Mind.
I affirm: "The will of God is uppermost in my consciousness, and I am glorified in my understanding."
Bible Passage: John 1:1-18
Monday, March 5, 2007
Lent Day 11 *Understanding*
Today's thought is Understanding. Yesterday I went to a workshop at the Unity Church of Knoxville provided by Guy Monroe of the Austin Vocal Labs. It was a very interesting experience. He said something that was really interesting to me. Someone from the audience said "You must have read a lot of Marianne WIlliamson?" And he said "I always tell people I don't know anything, I just..." and then he motioned to the sky as if he was picking an apple from the tree.
I have heard of this before. Charles Fillmore spent hours in meditation "feeling after God." Through this he had direct access to infinite divine ideas and knowledge. I believe this is what is known as understanding, an inner knowing that all that you need is available to you. You don't need or require anything but sitting, and listening to your divine guidance. Charles Fillmore writes in Keep a True Lent, "Understanding in me is that which knows how to accomplish things. I claim my Christ understanding at all times".
It can be difficult to remember that I have all the information at my fingertips, all I have to do is reach IN and grab it. I think I tend to look outside to books, or cds for some guidance, when truly it is within me that I will find the answers.
I think in all that we do we always have 2 choices, we can go with our divine understanding of what needs to be done, or we can turn away from our Truth. I can instantly tell which is which by the way that I feel. Some compare this to a heavy or light weight of the issue, I can tell by the feeling in my gut. Understanding is knowing the right thing to do, and Love is acting from that information. These powers are incredible when used together.
The bible passage today is about when Jesus was a boy (twelve years old) and he leaves his parents to sit and learn from his teachers and ask questions. I love this passage because it helps me to remember that Jesus was a child of God, just like me, and he was searching for the Truth, just like me.
I affirm "Divine understanding in me unites me with the Holy Spirit, and I always know what to do". -Charles Fillmore
Bible Passage: Luke 2:40-52
I have heard of this before. Charles Fillmore spent hours in meditation "feeling after God." Through this he had direct access to infinite divine ideas and knowledge. I believe this is what is known as understanding, an inner knowing that all that you need is available to you. You don't need or require anything but sitting, and listening to your divine guidance. Charles Fillmore writes in Keep a True Lent, "Understanding in me is that which knows how to accomplish things. I claim my Christ understanding at all times".
It can be difficult to remember that I have all the information at my fingertips, all I have to do is reach IN and grab it. I think I tend to look outside to books, or cds for some guidance, when truly it is within me that I will find the answers.
I think in all that we do we always have 2 choices, we can go with our divine understanding of what needs to be done, or we can turn away from our Truth. I can instantly tell which is which by the way that I feel. Some compare this to a heavy or light weight of the issue, I can tell by the feeling in my gut. Understanding is knowing the right thing to do, and Love is acting from that information. These powers are incredible when used together.
The bible passage today is about when Jesus was a boy (twelve years old) and he leaves his parents to sit and learn from his teachers and ask questions. I love this passage because it helps me to remember that Jesus was a child of God, just like me, and he was searching for the Truth, just like me.
I affirm "Divine understanding in me unites me with the Holy Spirit, and I always know what to do". -Charles Fillmore
Bible Passage: Luke 2:40-52
Charles Fillmore,
Sunday, March 4, 2007
2nd Sunday of Lent *Imagination*
This thought, Imagination, has been taking the world by storm. If you haven't seen the movie "The Secret" yet, then you have probably heard about it, and if you haven't heard about it... well if you are reading this, then I guess you have :)
The Secret is about the Law of attraction and one of the easiest ways to "magnetize yourself" to attract the things you want in your life is to visualize, or imagine it. If you can see it in your mind you can accomplish it. The power of imagination is the power to see your self accomplishing your dreams and then through that imagining attracting that which will make those dreams come true.
Now imagination is not just a picture. It is the ability to truly feel the visualization. Not only seeing your dreams alive in your mind, but feeling the feelings of the experience as well. This is the key.
One of my favorite parts of the Secret is when James Ray says" Your present life is not a reflection of who you are, it is a reflection of who you were". It is so important to realize that the visions I hold in my mind are creating the "me" of tomorrow. Joel Olsteen said today "You need a new vision for your life".
I affirm: "In the quietness and confidence of Spirit, I see myself as God sees me, His perfect image and likeness" - Charles Fillmore
Bible Passage:
Acts 10:9-35
The Secret is about the Law of attraction and one of the easiest ways to "magnetize yourself" to attract the things you want in your life is to visualize, or imagine it. If you can see it in your mind you can accomplish it. The power of imagination is the power to see your self accomplishing your dreams and then through that imagining attracting that which will make those dreams come true.
Now imagination is not just a picture. It is the ability to truly feel the visualization. Not only seeing your dreams alive in your mind, but feeling the feelings of the experience as well. This is the key.
One of my favorite parts of the Secret is when James Ray says" Your present life is not a reflection of who you are, it is a reflection of who you were". It is so important to realize that the visions I hold in my mind are creating the "me" of tomorrow. Joel Olsteen said today "You need a new vision for your life".
I affirm: "In the quietness and confidence of Spirit, I see myself as God sees me, His perfect image and likeness" - Charles Fillmore
Bible Passage:
Acts 10:9-35
Charles Fillmore,
the secret,
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Lent Day 9 *Power*
Today I am reminded of the divine faculty of Power. The "power" in the body is located in the throat and is represented in the vibrations that come from our mouth in the form of words.
Today I watched a movie called "Unbreakable". It was a great metaphysical story about a man reluctant to accept his divine potential and live from his god-given talents and "power". Because he wasn't fully using his divine power, he felt like something was wrong, missing or out of sync. I think we all feel that way when we are not on our true paths.
I know when I was teaching for IBM, I knew I loved teaching. I knew it was what I was called to do, but something in me said "this is not It, this is not right". I remember saying "This is not what I am meant to teach!" to my husband one night. I felt so uneasy because I knew there was something else to be done but I could not tell what it was. That is when the process of discernment became so important, what am I to do? Why am I here? Why do I have these gifts and what is their divine use? Then not only identify what I am meant to do here, but also take massive action toward that goal, and have complete faith that the Universe will "make a way for it to manifest".
So really the faculty of wisdom helped me to refocus on my path to truly using my Power. I invite you to also take time to discern what is yours to do. Could you imagine what our world would be like if we all acted from the "power" within? If we all did what was in our hearts to do!! Wow, I can.
I affirm "All issues of my life are stirred to action by the quickening Christ power, and I have dominion over my thoughts and my feelings." -Charles Fillmore
Bible Passage Luke 4:31-44
Today I watched a movie called "Unbreakable". It was a great metaphysical story about a man reluctant to accept his divine potential and live from his god-given talents and "power". Because he wasn't fully using his divine power, he felt like something was wrong, missing or out of sync. I think we all feel that way when we are not on our true paths.
I know when I was teaching for IBM, I knew I loved teaching. I knew it was what I was called to do, but something in me said "this is not It, this is not right". I remember saying "This is not what I am meant to teach!" to my husband one night. I felt so uneasy because I knew there was something else to be done but I could not tell what it was. That is when the process of discernment became so important, what am I to do? Why am I here? Why do I have these gifts and what is their divine use? Then not only identify what I am meant to do here, but also take massive action toward that goal, and have complete faith that the Universe will "make a way for it to manifest".
So really the faculty of wisdom helped me to refocus on my path to truly using my Power. I invite you to also take time to discern what is yours to do. Could you imagine what our world would be like if we all acted from the "power" within? If we all did what was in our hearts to do!! Wow, I can.
I affirm "All issues of my life are stirred to action by the quickening Christ power, and I have dominion over my thoughts and my feelings." -Charles Fillmore
Bible Passage Luke 4:31-44
Friday, March 2, 2007
Lent Day 9 *Love*
Lent Day 9 *Love*
Love. Divine Love is the fuel for attraction in our lives. Last night I showed The Secret to a friend. He seemed amazed that I would drive all the way to town to show him The Secret. After we saw the movie, he knew why it was so important to me that he see it. Knowing the universal law of Love can open the flood gates of good in your life.
In the movie, one of the most important topics to me is the emotional guidance system. The fact that the very emotion you are feeling is bringing more of that emotion into your life. As soon as I feel any feeling other than Love, I know I am beginning to attract that which I do not want into my life. So I "switch". I think of something that brings me pure joy.
In Keep a True Lent Charles Fillmore writes, "I now firmly declare that [love] is expressing through me, and that no environment or external condition can hinder it. Any unloving condition of the world is no bar to my exercise of Love, in fact, it is an incentive." It is an incentive.
Each unloving experience that crosses my path is an incentive for me to show love. I really like that. I like the challenge of bringing love to every situation. It's like our highest self is saying "I double-dare you!" In my experiences today I will focus on bringing only love, only peace, and only enthusiasm. In that I will attract even more experiences to be loving, peaceful and enthusiastic. That is the life I want.
In quietness and confidence, I affirm: "God, in His Love, fills me with new life. In His name I am cleansed, strengthened and healed". - Charles Fillmore
Bible Reading: John 4:7-21 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)
Love. Divine Love is the fuel for attraction in our lives. Last night I showed The Secret to a friend. He seemed amazed that I would drive all the way to town to show him The Secret. After we saw the movie, he knew why it was so important to me that he see it. Knowing the universal law of Love can open the flood gates of good in your life.
In the movie, one of the most important topics to me is the emotional guidance system. The fact that the very emotion you are feeling is bringing more of that emotion into your life. As soon as I feel any feeling other than Love, I know I am beginning to attract that which I do not want into my life. So I "switch". I think of something that brings me pure joy.
In Keep a True Lent Charles Fillmore writes, "I now firmly declare that [love] is expressing through me, and that no environment or external condition can hinder it. Any unloving condition of the world is no bar to my exercise of Love, in fact, it is an incentive." It is an incentive.
Each unloving experience that crosses my path is an incentive for me to show love. I really like that. I like the challenge of bringing love to every situation. It's like our highest self is saying "I double-dare you!" In my experiences today I will focus on bringing only love, only peace, and only enthusiasm. In that I will attract even more experiences to be loving, peaceful and enthusiastic. That is the life I want.
In quietness and confidence, I affirm: "God, in His Love, fills me with new life. In His name I am cleansed, strengthened and healed". - Charles Fillmore
Bible Reading: John 4:7-21 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Lent Day 8 *Wisdom*
Today we focus on Divine Wisdom. A few weeks ago I was able to participate in a Spiritual Discernment process. This specific process used 12 steps to help invite divine guidance in my life. The main question that I asked myself is "What is mine to do during my time here on this planet".
I went into the silence and asked this question and simply listened. Thoughts that came to me in the silence were "What is your passion?", "What brings you bliss?", “How can you use your gifts to live for passion and feel your bliss?".
I believe that we were all giving a sliver of the Divine Dream, and that if we enter into the silence, listen, and more importantly, take action on these ideas we can truly live the life of our dreams. In Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth, I read "Many of us are over-read and under-done". Wow, does that speak to me. Practice is the key, bringing practical use of these skills into my life. My bookshelves are filled with books and programs, because I have manifested them, now I need to act on these Divine Ideas.
I affirm: "Christ within me is my glory. The brightness of His presence wipes out all darkness, and I am filled with life and light" -Charles Fillmore
Bible reading: Matthew 7:1-12
Go to www.biblegateway.com to read... its a good one
I went into the silence and asked this question and simply listened. Thoughts that came to me in the silence were "What is your passion?", "What brings you bliss?", “How can you use your gifts to live for passion and feel your bliss?".
I believe that we were all giving a sliver of the Divine Dream, and that if we enter into the silence, listen, and more importantly, take action on these ideas we can truly live the life of our dreams. In Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth, I read "Many of us are over-read and under-done". Wow, does that speak to me. Practice is the key, bringing practical use of these skills into my life. My bookshelves are filled with books and programs, because I have manifested them, now I need to act on these Divine Ideas.
I affirm: "Christ within me is my glory. The brightness of His presence wipes out all darkness, and I am filled with life and light" -Charles Fillmore
Bible reading: Matthew 7:1-12
Go to www.biblegateway.com to read... its a good one
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